Weapons of Anew – The Collusion of Love and Hate


Weapons of Anew is a newer band who opened for Metal Allegiance   on the Thursday of NAMM week.  They flew in from their home state of New Jersey just for the show. This marks the 7th time they’ve been asked to open for MA.

WOA is a hard rock band and nowhere near as heavy as Metal Allegiance, although at times they do kick it into a heavier gear. They are very comfortable on stage, ripping it up without missing a beat.  You can tell they are enjoying it as much as the crowd.


They have been out on the road with Messer and they also opened for Tesla.   A well connected band dedicated and ready to put in the hard work it takes to be in a travelling band.  After the show, they were at the merch table greeting fans, taking pictures and sharing stories.


I had a chance to sit down with two members of Weapons before the show at House of Blues Anaheim and we talked about both serious and silly stuff.  Guitarist Freddy Ordine and Vocalist Ray West tell about the writing and recording of their first studio album entitled “The Collusion of Love and Hate”  The title is all about how love can turn to hate, how something you love so much can turn toxic and you end up hating it.  This album contains a lot of truth, was both painful and healing to write.  The first song they wrote together was “Killshot” another song that means a lot to them is “This Moment”, a song off the first album and they re recorded an acoustic version for the live ep.  This moment is all about finding your inner strength.  These guys don’t write about slaying dragons because that’s not what they do. They write about their real life situations.  Check them out on Spotify and on social media.  They have  street team group too on FB for those who want to help out with local promotions.


Ordine is sponsored by ESP Guitars, Mesa Boogie Amps and more, West is actively seeking endorsements for anything from mic stands to clothes.  The guys plan to tour as much as possible and are working on the 2nd studio album which has yet to be named.

Watch our interview with Weapons of Anew:

Brenda Starr / BackStage360

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